The Electronic Quarterly Scientific and Practical Journal “Engineering and Educational Technologies” (EETECS) is a specialized scientific publication.
The journal publishes, after double-blind peer review and verification of originality, articles containing the results of research on the development of science and education, the introduction of new results of fundamental and applied research in the field of Pedagogical Sciences.
Since 07.11.2018, “Engineering and Educational Technologies” has been included in group “B” of the list of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine, which may publish the results of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Science and Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Sciences) in the specialty 011 Educational, Pedagogical Sciences (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 32 of 15.01.18).
ISSN: 2307-9770
DOI: 10.30929/2307-9770
Language of the manuscript: Ukrainian, English
Frequency of publication: 4 times a year
Year of foundation: 2013
Founder: Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University