Theoretical and practical online journal

"Engineering and Educational Technologies"

Theoretical and practical online journal "Engineering and Educational Technologies"

Theoretical and practical online journal "Engineering and Educational Technologies" is published in the Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University from 2013.

It is issued 4(four) times a year.

In 2009 the scientific production journal “Electromechanical and energy saving systems” has been registered at the International Center ISSN and have got International Standard Serial Number for the print and online version of journal – ISSN 2072- 2052 (Print) ISSN 2074-9937 (Online).

The scientific and production journal is included in the List of Professional Publications, in which the results of dissertation works for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Technical Sciences may be published, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of 18 December, 2018 ?1412. The journal belongs to the category “B”, specialty 141 Electricity, Electrical Engineering Electromechanics and 151 Automation and Computer Integrated Technologies.

The journal is indexed by national database «Ukrainika Naukova» («Dzherelo» abstract journal), VINITI abstract journal and database (Russian Academy of Science), international databases «Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory», «Index Copernicus», «Polish Scholarly Bibliography», «Google Scholar», «Info Base Index», «Research Bible» and research electronic library eLIBRARY (Russian Science Citation Index).

The journal publishes the articles containing the most important developments and achievements of the University’s scientists and other educational and scientific institutions of Ukraine in the field of environmental safety.

To read the published articles you can on this site under “Archives”. Articles are in pdf-format.

Authors submit their manuscripts according the standard, which is published in every issue in the chapter “Rule of Manuscript Design for the scientific journal “Electromechanical and energy saving systems” by Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University”.

Languages: Ukrainian, English.

More details about the terms and conditions of publishing the manuscript you can read on this site at the sections“Rules of Manuscript Design” and “Example of Manuscript Design“.

Consult by phone: +38 (05366) 3-11-47 or e-mail:

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